Star Wars
Yuuzhan Vong
Informative Essays
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This is my Star Wars site. I hope you like it!
2/21/.06 - Wow, school has been tough recently. Sorry it's taken so long for any new updates. I'm putting together two major pages, one will be an encyclopedia type thing and another that will compare the power of Jedi throughout different time periods. As always more essays and info on the Yuuzhan Vong is on the way. If I get the time, I will also begin work on a book review page.
1/14/06 - I got another essay up. This one concerns things like the Balance of the Force.
1/7/06 - Under the new Yuuzhan Vong section, near the bottom, is a link to a new page on Yuuzhan Vong Capital Ships. Sorry the new essays are taking so long to turn out. Hopefully I'll get a section going sometime soon on books reviews. A section added on the Yuuzhan Vong religon is on the way too!
1/3/06 - First update of the new year! New section added on the Yuuzhan Vong War. Expect updates pertaining to ship specs soon. New essays will be added soon.
You can contact me at in the forum section as darth_glentract. I would love to hear from all of you!
May the Force be with you.

"Who's more foolish? The fool, or the fool who follows him?" Ben Kenobi

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